Messier Marathon by Remote Telescopes (M1-M9)
梅西耶 馬拉松 之 遠端天文台 版本
Messier marathon is an attempt, usually organized by amateur astronomers, to find as many Messier objects as possible during one night. The Messier catalogue was compiled by French astronomer Charles Messier during the late 18th century and consists of 110 relatively bright deep-sky objects (galaxies, nebulae, and star clusters).
梅西耶 馬拉松 ( Messier Marathon ) 是在一夜內尋找到儘可能多,或儘可能完成全部110個梅西耶天體的活動。
梅西耶目錄 是法國天文學家梅西耶在18世紀編輯的,總共有110個相對較明亮的深空天體(星系、星雲和星團)。
網路上的 遠端天文台,裡面設置 天文望遠鏡, 可以用網路遠端控制,做 天文攝影。
遙控望遠鏡(遠端天文台) ( 草山星空 )
梅西耶 馬拉松 之 遠端天文台 版本
預計使用 iTelescope 與 Telescope Live
** CCD 的 LRBG 或 HSO 原始影像 使用 DDS (2020年) 或 CCDStack 疊合 (2023年)
M1 Crab Nebula ( 蟹狀星雲 )
The Crab Nebula is a supernova remnant and pulsar wind nebula in the constellation of Taurus.
蟹狀星雲是位於金牛座ζ星東北面的一個超新星殘骸和脈衝風星雲,是銀河系英仙臂的一部分,距地球約6,500光年,直徑達11光年,並以每秒約1,500公里的速度膨脹。 該星雲由約翰·貝維斯於1731年發現,對應中國、阿拉伯和日本天文學家於公元1054年記錄的一次超新星爆發。 維基百科
expanding: (膨脹 的 動圖)
iTelescope T21 Imaging: 2024-03-10 / Processing: 2024-03-10
RGB 180 sec
Telescope Live CHI-1-CCD Imaging: 2022-12-04 / Processing: 20230414
H-alpha 300 sec x 4
HSO 300 sec x 4 ( Hubble pallete )
Telescope Live SPA-2-CCD Imaging: 2021-11-06 / Processing: 20230430
H-alpha 600 sec x 2
HSO 600 sec x 2 ( Hubble pallete )
M2 ( globular cluster ) 球狀星團
Messier 2 or M2 (also designated NGC 7089) is a globular cluster in the constellation Aquarius, five degrees north of the star Beta Aquarii. It was discovered by Jean-Dominique Maraldi in 1746, and is one of the largest known globular clusters.
M2或梅西耶2,也稱為NGC 7089,在虛宿一(寶瓶座β)北方5度,是位於寶瓶座的一個球狀星團。它是喬瓦尼·多梅尼科·馬拉迪在1746年發現的,是已知最大的球狀星團之一。
Telescope Live CHI-1 Planewave CDK24 (61-cm) QHY 600M Pro
M2 LRGB 300 sec x3 2023-06-21 (C) YC Shaw
CHI-1M3 ( globular cluster ) 球狀星團
Messier 3 (M3; also NGC 5272) is a globular cluster of stars in the northern constellation of Canes Venatici.
M3(梅西耶3或NGC 5272)是在北天星座,獵犬座中的一個球狀星團。它在1764年5月3日被梅西耶發現[7],並且是他自己發現的第一個梅西耶天體。
T68 color ( 北方在右邊 ) ( North at Right )
2023-03-31 ( 農曆初十 ,月光較強,後面幾天就都拍 球狀星團 )
color 150 seconds 彩色 曝光 150秒 影像
color 150 sec x 4 彩色 曝光 150秒 影像 4張影像疊圖
M4 globular cluster ( 球狀星團 )
Messier 4 or M4 (also designated NGC 6121) is a globular cluster in the constellation of Scorpius. It was discovered by Philippe Loys de Chéseaux in 1745 and catalogued by Charles Messier in 1764.
M4 or 梅西耶4(也稱為NGC 6121)是在天蠍座的一個球狀星團。它是Philippe Loys de Chéseaux在1745年發現,梅西耶在1764年將它收錄為梅西耶天體。這是第一個被分辨出單顆恆星的球狀星團。
Telescope Live CHI-1 2023-04-22 LRGB 300 sec x 4
CHI-1iTelescope T80 ( wide field ) RGB 180 sec x 3
T80Telescope Live AUS-2 ( wide field ) HSO 300 sec
M5 globular cluster ( 球狀星團 )
Messier 5 or M5 (also designated NGC 5904) is a globular cluster in the constellation Serpens. It was discovered by Gottfried Kirch in 1702.
M5(也稱為NGC 5904)是位於巨蛇座 的一個球狀星團,在1702年被戈特弗里德·基爾希發現。
2023-04-02 ( 農曆初十二 ,月光較強,後面幾天就都拍 球狀星團 )
iTelescope T68 color ( 北方在右邊 ) ( North at Right )
color 150 sec 彩色 曝光 150秒 影像
color 150 sec x 4 彩色 曝光 150秒 影像 4張影像疊圖
M6 Butterfly Cluster ( 蝴蝶星團 )
The Butterfly Cluster (cataloged as Messier 6 or M6, and as NGC 6405) is an open cluster of stars in the southern constellation of Scorpius. Its name derives from the vague resemblance of its shape to a butterfly.[5] The Trumpler classification of II 3 r[6] encodes it is rich in stars, ranks II out of IV for disparateness and greatly mixes bright with faint components. It is 3.5° to the northwest of Messier 7, both north of the tail of Scorpius
蝴蝶星團(也稱為梅西耶 6、M6、或NGC 6405)是位於南天星座天蠍座的一個疏散星團。它的名字源於它的形狀與一隻蝴蝶有幾分相似[5]。在川普勒分類法的類型是II 3 r[6]:r表示它有豐富的恆星,II意味著向中心集中的傾向,3則說明有少數恆星非常明亮,但多數恆星是黯淡的。它在托勒密星團(M7)西北方3.5°,而這兩個星團都在天蠍座的尾鉤的北方
Telescope Live CHI-1 Planewave CDK24 (61-cm) QHY 600M Pro
M6 LRGB 600 sec x3 2022-06-06 2023-07-01 (C) YC Shaw
CHI-1Telescope Live Takahashi FSQ-106ED (106 mm) F3.6 QHY 600M Pro
M6 SH2 12 wide filed HSO 600 sec x2 2022-08-31 2023-06-21 (C) YC Shaw
Telescope Live Takahashi FSQ-106ED (106 mm) F3.6 QHY 600M Pro
M6 SH2 12 wide filed SHO Hubble pallete 600 sec x2 2022-08-31 2023-06-21 (C) YC Shaw
M7 Ptolemy Cluster ( 托勒密星團 )
Messier 7 or M7, also designated NGC 6475 and sometimes known as the Ptolemy Cluster,[4] is an open cluster of stars in the constellation of Scorpius. The cluster is easily detectable with the naked eye, close to the "stinger" of Scorpius. With a declination of −34.8°, it is the southernmost Messier object.
托勒密星團(也稱為M7或NGC 6475)是位於天蠍座的一個疏散星團。在中國古代天文學中,稱之為「魚」星官。
托勒密在西元130年就已經觀測過這個星團,但將它記錄為星雲;在1654年之前,Giovanni Batista Hodierna也觀測過這個星團,並計算出他擁有30顆恆星。梅西耶在1764年將他收錄為疑似彗星的梅西耶爾星表內的M7。這個星團位在天蠍尾端的"尖螫"上,很容易就能以肉眼看見。
Telescope Live AUS-2 Takahashi FSQ-106ED (106 mm) F3.6 QHY 600M Pro
M7 M6 wide filed HSO 300 sec x3 2022-05-06 2023-06-21 (C) YC Shaw
Telescope Live CHI-1 Planewave CDK24 (61-cm) QHY 600M Pro
M7 LRGB 300 sec x3 2022-04-29 2023-06-21 (C) YC Shaw
CHI-1M8 Lagoon Nebula ( 礁湖星雲 )
The Lagoon Nebula (catalogued as Messier 8 or M8, NGC 6523, Sharpless 25, RCW 146, and Gum 72) is a giant interstellar cloud in the constellation Sagittarius. It is classified as an emission nebula and as an H II region.
The Lagoon Nebula was discovered by Giovanni Hodierna before 1654[5] and is one of only two star-forming nebulae faintly visible to the eye from mid-northern latitudes. Seen with binoculars, it appears as a distinct cloud-like patch with a definite core. Within the nebula is the open cluster NGC 6530.
礁湖星雲(也稱為梅西耶8或M8、NGC 6523、沙普利斯25、RCW 146、和古姆72)是位於人馬座的一個巨大星際雲。它被歸類為發射星雲和氫離子區。
2023-04-15 Telescope Live AUS-2 Wide Field HSO Ha + SII + OIII 300"x7 (Hubble Pallet)
2023-04-15 Telescope Live AUS-2 Wide Field HSO Ha=R SII=G OIII=B
AUS-22023-06-02 iTelescope T70 Wide Filed LRGB 180 sec x 2
Crop 裁切
T702023-04-15 Telescope Live CHI-1 HSO Ha 300"x4 + SII 300"x5 + OIII 300"x6 (Hubble Pallet)
M9 Globular Cluster 球狀星團
Messier 9 or M9 (also designated NGC 6333) is a globular cluster in the constellation of Ophiuchus.
M9(NGC 6333)一個結構鬆散的球狀星團,很小,最亮的星也在+14等左右,需要使用10英寸(25厘米)的望遠鏡才能看見一部分,星等為+7.9。它在蛇夫座。
Messier Marathon by Remote Telescopes (some experience) 梅西耶 馬拉松 之 遠端天文台 版本 ( 心得 )
Messier Marathon by Remote Telescopes (M1-M9)
Messier Marathon by Remote Telescopes (M10-M19)
Messier Marathon by Remote Telescopes (M20-M29)
Messier Marathon by Remote Telescopes (M30-M39)
Messier Marathon by Remote Telescopes (M40-M49)
Messier Marathon by Remote Telescopes (M50-M59)
Messier Marathon by Remote Telescopes (M60-M69)
Messier Marathon by Remote Telescopes (M70-M79)
Messier Marathon by Remote Telescopes (M80-M89)
Messier Marathon by Remote Telescopes (M90-M99)
Messier Marathon by Remote Telescopes (M100-M110)
NGC Omega Centauri, and other Objects ( Omega Centauri NGC )
IC, Barnard, Sh2, Caldwell etc
Astrophotography by Web Remote Telescopes 網路天文攝影 初體驗 (再體驗) + 觀測紀錄
since 2023-04-14