Messier Marathon by Remote Telescopes (M70-M79)
梅西耶 馬拉松 之 遠端天文台 版本
Messier marathon is an attempt, usually organized by amateur astronomers, to find as many Messier objects as possible during one night. The Messier catalogue was compiled by French astronomer Charles Messier during the late 18th century and consists of 110 relatively bright deep-sky objects (galaxies, nebulae, and star clusters).
梅西耶 馬拉松 ( Messier Marathon ) 是在一夜內尋找到儘可能多,或儘可能完成全部110個梅西耶天體的活動。
梅西耶目錄 是法國天文學家梅西耶在18世紀編輯的,總共有110個相對較明亮的深空天體(星系、星雲和星團)。
網路上的 遠端天文台,裡面設置 天文望遠鏡, 可以用網路遠端控制,做 天文攝影。
遙控望遠鏡(遠端天文台) ( 草山星空 )
梅西耶 馬拉松 之 遠端天文台 版本
預計使用 iTelescope 與 Telescope Live
** CCD 的 LRBG 或 HSO 原始影像 使用 DDS (2020年) 或 CCDStack 疊合 (2023年)
Messier Marathon by Remote Telescopes
Messier Marathon by Remote Telescopes (M1-M9)
Messier Marathon by Remote Telescopes (M10-M19)
Messier Marathon by Remote Telescopes (M20-M29)
Messier Marathon by Remote Telescopes (M30-M39)
Messier Marathon by Remote Telescopes (M40-M49)
Messier Marathon by Remote Telescopes (M50-M59)
Messier Marathon by Remote Telescopes (M60-M69)
Messier Marathon by Remote Telescopes (M70-M79)
Messier Marathon by Remote Telescopes (M80-M89)
Messier Marathon by Remote Telescopes (M90-M99)
Messier Marathon by Remote Telescopes (M100-M110)
NGC Omega Centauri, and other Objects ( Omega Centauri NGC )
IC, Barnard, Sh2, Caldwell etc
Astrophotography by Web Remote Telescopes 網路天文攝影 初體驗 (再體驗) + 觀測紀錄
M71 ( Globular Cluster ) ( 球狀星團 )
Messier 71 (also known as M71 or NGC 6838) is a globular cluster in the small northern constellation Sagitta. It was discovered by Philippe Loys de Chéseaux in 1745 and included by Charles Messier in his catalog of non-comet-like objects in 1780. It was also noted by Koehler at Dresden around 1775.[8]
This star cluster is about 13,000 light years away from Earth and spans 27 light-years (8 pc). The irregular variable star Z Sagittae is a member.
2023-04-30 iTelescope T68 color ( 北方在右邊 ) ( North at Right )
T68 color 150 sec
T68 color 150 sec x 6 150秒 疊合 6 組影像
M76 ( Little Dumbbell Nebula ) ( 小啞鈴星雲 )
The Little Dumbbell Nebula, also known as Messier 76, NGC 650/651, the Barbell Nebula, or the Cork Nebula,[1] is a planetary nebula in northern constellation Perseus. It was discovered by Pierre Méchain in 1780 and included in Charles Messier's catalog of comet-like objects as number 76.
小啞鈴星雲,也稱為M76、NGC 650/651、巴貝爾(Barbell)星雲、或柯克(Cork)星雲[1],是在英仙座的一個行星狀星雲。它是皮埃爾·梅尚在1780年發現,並被夏爾·梅西耶收錄在他的類似彗星天體的目錄,編號為M76。
Astronomy Picture of the Day
每日一天文圖 (成大物理分站)
M79 ( Globular Cluster ) ( 球狀星團 )
2023-03-22 iTelescope T69 color ( 北方在右邊 ) ( North at Right )
T69 color 120 sec
Telescope Live CHI-1
CHI-1 RGB 300 sec Rx5 Gx3 Bx2 mean (Imagimg: 20211105, Processing 2023-04-15)
Telescope Live CHI-1
CHI-1 RGB 300 sec x 2 (Imagimg: 20220420, Processing 2023-04-15)