BU2DR, about, QTH, Antennas, Rigs, & etc. (2023)
アマチュア無線 BU2DR QTH
วิทยุสมัครเล่น BU2DR QTH
業餘無線電 BU2DR QTH
业馀无线电 BU2DR QTH
BU2DR -- https://www.qrz.com/db/BU2DR
QTH: New Taipei city, Taiwan
GP X6000 VHF, UHF, and SHF bands ( for ISS ARISS APRS )
HFV-5 ( kiwiSDR for FT8 SWL, sometimes wspr SWL )
FlyDogSDR ( kiwiSDR ) + PC wsjt-x for FT8 SWL
GP X-500 VHF and UHF ( sometimes for RSP2 receiver )
DIY 20m Dipole with BALUN: Diamond BU55
FT8 SWL by Raspberry Pi , Maple Board, and PC wsjt-x FT8,
7.074, 14.074, sometimes 10.136, 18.100, 21.074, 24.915, 28.074, 50.313, 144.460 FT8.
FT8 20m SWL Amateur Radio Stations received by BU2DR (2022 Nov)
FT8 40m SWL Amateur Radio Stations received by BU2DR (2022 Nov)
FT8 SWL 2023-03-05:
FT8 SWL 2023-03-24
Antenna: VHF 10 elements horizontal Yagi, UHF 15 elements Yagi
Cushcraft dual band yagi
Initially for Satellite communication tests
Comet CA-HV ( car HF antenna )
Initially for HF communication tests
Nagoya RH770 dual band whip ANT ( car roof )
For car APRS
DIY Turnstile Antenna for Weather Satellites
Capable of receiveing NOAA weather satellite APT images
DIY QFH Antenna ( Quadrifilar Helix Antenna)
Capable of receiveing NOAA weather satellite APT images
Call sign: ex BM2CAJ 1997, ex BX2ADJ 2010, ex KD8SKJ 2012,
currently BU2DR since 2016 and KG8DR 2019.