AMSAT 發表 M2 衛星天線
AMSAT-NA and M2 Antenna Systems LEO-Pack Back in Stock in AMSAT StoreAMSAT-NA and M2 Antenna Systems are pleased to announce that the LEO-Packsystem is being offered to members only at $499, shipping included (US only).Non-members can join AMSAT-NA at time of purchase to participate in thisspecial purchase.The LEO-Pack will then be drop shipped to the purchaser from M2, who estimatesthat the production time after the order is received will be 2-3 weeks.The 436CP16 and 2MCP8A are light weight, circularly polarized antennasoptimized for Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Satellite communications or otherapplications where a small circular polarized antenna is required. Optimummatch and gain designed for the satellite band.Rear mounted for easy coaxial cable routing. A preamp (not included) can bemounted close to the antenna for almost no coax loss before the preamp,maximizing your receive performance.See all the details, including links to technical specifications at:
[ANS thanks the guys in the AMSAT On-Line Store for the above information]
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There will be Advertisement (personalized) inserts in Google Blog. Sorry! 谷歌 的 部落格 會有 置入廣告 (個人化的) ,請見諒! Information Service b...
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There will be Advertisement (personalized) inserts in Google Blog. Sorry! 谷歌 的 部落格 會有 置入廣告 (個人化的) ,請見諒! Information Service b...
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