2012年9月2日 星期日

ISS 太空站 2012-9-2 下午 16:32 與日本電台通話 台灣可測試收聽

ISS 太空站 2012-9-2 下午 16:32 與日本電台通話 台灣可測試收聽

E-mail list 原文的節錄:
Iruma Junior Ham Club, Iruma, Japan, direct via JK1ZAM  (***)
Contact is a go for: Sun 2012-09-02 08:32:47 UTC 40 deg  (***)

頻率: 145.800Mhz
模式: NFM

此次 ISS 軌跡也是偏北, 最高仰角約 7 度, 也 許 是 想閃開台灣與大陸香腸族的干擾吧?
台灣可能在收聽的邊緣, 或 許 可以當做測試, 看收到多少?


An International Space Station school contact has been planned with participants at Iruma Junior Ham Club, Iruma, Japan on 02 Sept. The event is scheduled to begin at approximately 08:32 UTC. The duration of the contact is approximately 9 minutes and 30 seconds. The contact will be direct between NA1SS and JK1ZAM. The contact should be audible over Japan and adjacent areas. Interested parties are invited to listen in on the 145.80 MHz downlink. The contact is expected to be conducted in English.

After the first school contact in Japan (Iruma Children Center), many children learn the license examination and got the licenses. Our club is composed of the members who newly got the license in Iruma.

Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:

1.  What is most heavy training, you ever experience?

2.  Do you enjoy the micro-gravity?

3.  It is often heard the earth is a beautiful planet when it is seem from

    the space. But we have problems as global warming. Now you see the

    earth in your eyes, how do you feel the sense of crisis?

4.  How much is atmospheric pressure in the space station?

5.  What is the most dangerous thing in the space?

6.  What competition are you impressed by London Olympic Games?

7.  What do you want to do, when back on earth?

8.  How do you feel the first visit in the space?

9.  Are there day and night in the space? And what time do you go to bed and

    what time do you wake-up?

10. What is difference with the Star from the space and the Star from the


11. What do you eat in the space?

12. What is the most favorite thing that only you can in the space?

13. How do you dispose of excrement and urine.

14. What is the thing you feel strange in the space?

15. Do you make the name of killifish?

16. What do you more care in the space, than on the earth?

17. What are you doing during free-time?

18. How do you feel in micro-gravity?

19. What is difference between living in the space and living on the earth?

20. What is the earth visible to, if it compare to a thing?

Information about the upcoming ARISS contacts can be found at http://www.ariss.org/upcoming.htm#NextContact.

此次 ISS 軌跡偏北, 仰角約 3 度以上, ISS 距離 2000Km 二千公里內, 台北可收到信號,
(1) GP200 天線 + 車機
(2) 水平 10元件 Yagi  + NOVA for Windows 追蹤 + 座台

收到信號有時 (1) 比較強, 有時 (2) 比較強,
我想或 許是都市裡各種反射的狀況很複雜的關係吧?







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