2012年6月2日 星期六

美國東北部於 2012-6-2 發送高空氣球載 V/U轉發器 (repeater)

美國東北部於 2012-6-2 發送高空氣球載 V/U轉發器 (repeater)

High Altitude Balloon Crossband Repeater Payload Northeast USA
Amateur radio operators in New England and northern Atlantic coast
in the US and Canada are invited to listen and operate via the cross-
band repeater payload on a high altitude balloon flight from Hermon,
Maine. Launch is planned for June 2, 2012 at about 0830 EDT (UTC-4)
by members of the Pine State Amateur Radio Club as one of the events
during the 25th Annual Bangor Hamfest at Hermon High School. The club
is working with the University of Maine Electrical and Computer Engin-
eering Department to plan and execute the flight.

The crossband repeater frequencies are:
Uplink:   147.570 MHz
Downlink: 446.100 MHz

The payload will also include APRS for position and altitude track-
ing. University of Maine tracking information can be found at:




Dr. Shaw YC Shiau PhD 蕭醫師 蕭博士 蕭同學 首頁 置頂文 標籤 分類搜尋

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