2012年8月26日 星期日

ISS 太空站 2012-8-26 與日本電台通話 台灣可聽

ISS 太空站 2012-8-26 與日本電台通話 台灣可聽

E-mail list 原文的節錄:

Institute for Education on Space, Wakayama University,  Wakayama, Japan,
direct via TBD
Contact is a go for: Sun 2012-08-26 10:58:47  UTC 66 deg

頻率: 145.800Mhz
模式: NFM



Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:

1.  Was it different between the 1st time and the 2nd time to space?

2.  What kind of sweets can you eat in ISS?

3.  What kind of experiment do you do in ISS?

4.  My family is six people. We have some problem about waiting the toilet

    every Morning. Is there same problem in ISS?

5.  Do you sweat in ISS when you do muscular training?

6.  Where is beautiful place of the Earth?

7.  Can you see the Typhoon from ISS?

8.  I heard you fasten the body to a bed When you sleep. Can you Sleep


9.  What you could not bring to ISS? 

10. I heard there is a living thing which Keeps Killifish with this mission.

    What other living things are on ISS?

11. Can you hear the sound, when either pebble nor garbage hits ISS?

12. I heard that a direction when it comes back to the earth is more serious

    than the time of going to the universe. What kind of thing is it


13. What is food to eat most now?

14. Do you think that Animate Life is in Universe?

15. Do you see the Shooting Star from ISS?

16. What did you do during the summer vacation as a child?

17. What kind of study does astronaut do?

18. What would you do the first thing, when you return to Earth?

19. What age do you wanted to become astronaut?

20. Do you see the UFO during Space Flight?

沒注意看, 此次 ISS 軌跡偏北, 最高仰角 3 ~ 4 度, 台灣應該聽不到..
ISS 軌跡偏北, 也 許 是 想閃開台灣與大陸香腸族的干擾吧?

ISS 太空站 2012-8-26 與日本電台通話 台灣可聽

E-mail list 原文的節錄:

Institute for Education on Space, Wakayama University,  Wakayama, Japan,
direct via TBD
Contact is a go for: Sun 2012-08-26 10:58:47  UTC 66 deg

頻率: 145.800Mhz
模式: NFM



73 de BM2CAJ

Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:

1.  Was it different between the 1st time and the 2nd time to space?

2.  What kind of sweets can you eat in ISS?

3.  What kind of experiment do you do in ISS?

4.  My family is six people. We have some problem about waiting the toilet

    every Morning. Is there same problem in ISS?

5.  Do you sweat in ISS when you do muscular training?

6.  Where is beautiful place of the Earth?

7.  Can you see the Typhoon from ISS?

8.  I heard you fasten the body to a bed When you sleep. Can you Sleep


9.  What you could not bring to ISS? 

10. I heard there is a living thing which Keeps Killifish with this mission.

    What other living things are on ISS?

11. Can you hear the sound, when either pebble nor garbage hits ISS?

12. I heard that a direction when it comes back to the earth is more serious

    than the time of going to the universe. What kind of thing is it


13. What is food to eat most now?

14. Do you think that Animate Life is in Universe?

15. Do you see the Shooting Star from ISS?

16. What did you do during the summer vacation as a child?

17. What kind of study does astronaut do?

18. What would you do the first thing, when you return to Earth?

19. What age do you wanted to become astronaut?

20. Do you see the UFO during Space Flight?

沒注意看, 此次 ISS 軌跡偏北, 最高仰角 3 ~ 4 度, 台灣應該聽不到..
ISS 軌跡偏北, 也 許 是 想閃開台灣與大陸香腸族的干擾吧?

ISS 太空站 2012-8-26 與日本電台通話 台灣可聽

E-mail list 原文的節錄:

Institute for Education on Space, Wakayama University,  Wakayama, Japan,
direct via TBD
Contact is a go for: Sun 2012-08-26 10:58:47  UTC 66 deg

頻率: 145.800Mhz
模式: NFM



73 de BM2CAJ

Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:

1.  Was it different between the 1st time and the 2nd time to space?

2.  What kind of sweets can you eat in ISS?

3.  What kind of experiment do you do in ISS?

4.  My family is six people. We have some problem about waiting the toilet

    every Morning. Is there same problem in ISS?

5.  Do you sweat in ISS when you do muscular training?

6.  Where is beautiful place of the Earth?

7.  Can you see the Typhoon from ISS?

8.  I heard you fasten the body to a bed When you sleep. Can you Sleep


9.  What you could not bring to ISS?   

10. I heard there is a living thing which Keeps Killifish with this mission.

    What other living things are on ISS?

11. Can you hear the sound, when either pebble nor garbage hits ISS?

12. I heard that a direction when it comes back to the earth is more serious

    than the time of going to the universe. What kind of thing is it


13. What is food to eat most now?

14. Do you think that Animate Life is in Universe?

15. Do you see the Shooting Star from ISS?

16. What did you do during the summer vacation as a child?

17. What kind of study does astronaut do?

18. What would you do the first thing, when you return to Earth?

19. What age do you wanted to become astronaut?

20. Do you see the UFO during Space Flight?

沒注意看, 此次 ISS 軌跡偏北, 最高仰角 3 ~ 4 度, 台灣應該聽不到..
ISS 軌跡偏北, 也 許 是 想閃開台灣與大陸香腸族的干擾吧?

73 de BM2CAJ

2012年8月16日 星期四

ISS 太空站 2012-8-16 與 8-17 與日本電台通話 台灣可聽

ISS 太空站 2012-8-16 與 8-17 與日本電台通話 台灣可聽

E-mail list 原文的節錄:

Wada Elementary  School, Nagawa Town, Japan, direct via 8N?WADA (***)
Contact is a go for: Thu  2012-08-16 08:01:55 UTC 41 deg (***)

Meikei High School, Tsukuba,  Japan, 2011-12-10, direct via JJ1YAF (***)
Contact is a go for: Fri  2012-08-17 07:09:31 UTC 68 deg (***)

頻率: 145.800Mhz
模式: NFM



73 de BM2CAJ

8月16日 -- 通訊 成 功 , 約有 120名學生聽眾...

On Thursday, August 16, an ARISS contact was held between students attending
Wada Elementary School in Nagawa Town, Japan and Akihiko Hoshide, KE5DNI,
aboard the Space Station, which highlighted a comprehensive education plan
covering space, astronomy and radio communications. The event drew an
audience of approximately 120 students and guests and garnered extensive
media coverage including six television stations and five newspapers.

8月17日 -- 通訊 沒有  成 功 ,
Meikei High School in Tsukuba, Japan had been scheduled for an ARISS contact
on Friday, August 17. The contact was unsuccessful.  ARISS is investigating
the reason for the failure.  Meikei will be rescheduled during the week of
October 22.

Meikei High School, Tsukuba, Japan, direct via  JJ1YAF
Contact was not completed due to interference: Fri 2012-08-17 07:09:31  UTC
68 deg (***)
New contact date TBD. (***)

通訊 沒有  成 功 , 因為有干擾! 不知是否有友台聽到? 可否報告一下?



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