ISS 太空站 2012-4-3 週二 UTC 8:15 = 中原時 16:15 與澳洲學校通話 EchoLink 可聽
EchoLink 連上 *AMSAT* (101377) 或 *JK1ZRW* (277208) servers 即可收聽
Please join us in listening to an International Space Station school
contact with participants at
St Anthony's Parish Primary School, Canberra, Australia on Tuesday 3
April. AOS scheduled for 08:15 UTC.
The duration of the contact is approximately 9 minutes and 30 seconds.
The contact will be a telebridge between NA1SS and VK5ZAI.
The contact should be audible over Australia and adjacent areas.
Interested parties are invited to listen in on the 145.80 MHz
The contact is expected to be conducted in English.
St Anthony's School is located in the suburb of Wanniassa, which is part of
the central region of the Tuggeranong Valley in the Australian Capital
Territory. Currently the school has an enrolment of 528 students with
generally three classes in each of 7 Year levels from Kindergarten (the
first year of primary school in the ACT) to Year 6. Our average class size
is 1 teacher to 26 students. We have a strong Integrated Unit of Inquiry
programs that primarily focus on authentic experiences that the ARISS
program would facilitate.
Audio from this contact will be available on the:
EchoLink *AMSAT* (101377) and *JK1ZRW* (277208) servers
73, BM2CAJ
St Anthony's School is located in the suburb of Wanniassa, which is part of the central region of the Tuggeranong Valley in the Australian Capital Territory. Currently the school has an enrollment of 528 students with generally three classes in each of 7 Year levels from Kindergarten (the first year of primary school in the ACT) to Year 6. Our average class size is 1 teacher to 26 students. We have a strong Integrated Unit of Inquiry programs that primarily focus on authentic experiences that the ARISS program would facilitate.
Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:
1. What is the most interesting thing you have ever seen out of the Space
Station window?
2. What do you love most about outer space and miss about home?
3. What are the challenges you face in zero gravity?
4. If someone is injured, what do you do?
5. What is your job in outer space?
6. Is there enough light in space or do you need to use special glasses?
7. I live really close to Tidbinbilla Space Tracking Station. Is Tidbinbilla
involved with this mission?
8. How long can you stay in space before it effects your health?
9. I know you can see the Great Wall of China, but can you see any other
interesting landmarks on Earth?
10. What do you do in space to entertain yourself?
上傳 Youtube 好了,
本來想加上字幕, 可是沒那麼多時間弄,