Dr. Shaw Shiau PhD blog 蕭聿謙醫師,蕭博士,蕭同學,蕭先生的 部落格 網誌 置頂: https://helloshiau.blogspot.com/2019/05/blog-post.html https://www.facebook.com/helloshiau https://www.youtube.com/user/helloshiau/videos
2011年12月12日 星期一
ISS 太空站 2011-12-12 週一 中原時 19:15 與日本神戸通話 台灣可聽
ISS 太空站 2011-12-12 週一 中原時 19:15 與日本神戸通話 台灣可聽
Hirano branch of Kobe Youth Nurturing Council, Kobe
ISS 開始呼叫時,約在台灣西南邊天空,仰角約20度。
一般 GP 天線,或上次研習會做的螺旋天線,NFM 145.800MHz
應該都可收到通話的前5 - 6分鐘的內容,
祝 大家收聽愉快!
** 參考網頁:
** email 原文:
Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule
Hirano branch of Kobe Youth Nurturing Council, Kobe-city, Hyogo-pref,
Japan, direct via 8J3H
Contact is a go for: Mon 2011-12-12 11:15:19 UTC 34 deg (***)
Note, all times are approximate. It is recommended that you do your own
orbital prediction or start listening about 10 minutes before the listed
蘇兄錄得很棒! 讚+1
當時我剛好有事, 沒辦法接收與錄音, 所幸蘇兄成功了 !
1' 26" 左右太空人遭到台灣香腸族干擾, 打算轉到備用頻道,
台灣的香腸族, 海盜台真是丟台灣人的臉 ! ! !
Kobe City consolidated with Hirano Town in 1947. At the same time, Hirano Junior High School was founded temporarily by using some school buildings of Hirano Primary School. When Kobe City began to develop Seishin New Town in the latter 1960s, Hirano Junior High was moved from Hirano Area to present Kasugadai One in the New Town in 1984. Though Hirano Junior High School is one of the largest schools in Kobe City now, the educational principle of the School has always regarded each schoolchild's independence as important. Furthermore the schoolchildren are lucky enough to be able to have in the good natural environments and the fine educational conditions. Then the schoolchildren grow freely and openheartedly.
Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:
1. How long do you workout in space?
2. How did you feel when you first put on the space gear?
3. In space, how many times can you clap your hands in 10 seconds? Any
difference on the ground?
4. What are your favorite things to do in the space station?
5. Can you blow up the balloon in the space station?
6. Do you feel zero gravity immediately or slowly when you get out of the
inner space?
7. What was your first impression when you first looked down the earth from
8. What is your favorite space food?
9. Can you see The Lines and Geoglyphs of Nazca from the space station?
10. Have you got a homesick in the space station?
11. How did you like it when you first experienced the zero gravity?
12. Why did you become an astronaut?
13. Can you play yo-yo in space?
14. Have you seen Jupiter from the space station?
15. How many times have you gone up to the outer space?
16. What is the hardest thing for you to do in the space life?
17. How do you spend most of your time in the space station?
18. What is your feeling when you look over the universe from the space
19. What do you want to do most when return to the ground?
20. Do you read books in the space station? Can you turn the page as well as
you do on the ground?
21. Do you learn a lot in the space life?
22. What do you do when you get sick in the space station?
23. In space, is it impossible to play tug of war and arm wrestling?
24. How does the tossed ball travel like at zero gravity?
25. Did you feel scared when you first traveled into space?
26. Have you made many friends of astronauts ever since you become one of
27. Does space have seasonal temperatures?
28. How do you spend your pastime in space?
29. Are the space clothes heavy to put on?
30. Can you play gtama-ire h kind of basketball shoot in space?
其實不能完全確定, 我是由您的錄音中聽到的,
太空人呼叫的前後有台灣電台通話, 然後太空人顯得焦躁, 想要切到41備用頻道,
我想 ISS在太空應會收到大量台灣電台的干擾, (因為他不像你有山擋住),
不過話說回來, ISS uplink 不在 145.800 所以也真的沒確切證據..
Hirano branch of Kobe Youth Nurturing Council, Kobe
ISS 開始呼叫時,約在台灣西南邊天空,仰角約20度。
一般 GP 天線,或上次研習會做的螺旋天線,NFM 145.800MHz
應該都可收到通話的前5 - 6分鐘的內容,
祝 大家收聽愉快!
** 參考網頁:
** email 原文:
Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule
Hirano branch of Kobe Youth Nurturing Council, Kobe-city, Hyogo-pref,
Japan, direct via 8J3H
Contact is a go for: Mon 2011-12-12 11:15:19 UTC 34 deg (***)
Note, all times are approximate. It is recommended that you do your own
orbital prediction or start listening about 10 minutes before the listed
蘇兄錄得很棒! 讚+1
當時我剛好有事, 沒辦法接收與錄音, 所幸蘇兄成功了 !
1' 26" 左右太空人遭到台灣香腸族干擾, 打算轉到備用頻道,
台灣的香腸族, 海盜台真是丟台灣人的臉 ! ! !
Kobe City consolidated with Hirano Town in 1947. At the same time, Hirano Junior High School was founded temporarily by using some school buildings of Hirano Primary School. When Kobe City began to develop Seishin New Town in the latter 1960s, Hirano Junior High was moved from Hirano Area to present Kasugadai One in the New Town in 1984. Though Hirano Junior High School is one of the largest schools in Kobe City now, the educational principle of the School has always regarded each schoolchild's independence as important. Furthermore the schoolchildren are lucky enough to be able to have in the good natural environments and the fine educational conditions. Then the schoolchildren grow freely and openheartedly.
Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:
1. How long do you workout in space?
2. How did you feel when you first put on the space gear?
3. In space, how many times can you clap your hands in 10 seconds? Any
difference on the ground?
4. What are your favorite things to do in the space station?
5. Can you blow up the balloon in the space station?
6. Do you feel zero gravity immediately or slowly when you get out of the
inner space?
7. What was your first impression when you first looked down the earth from
8. What is your favorite space food?
9. Can you see The Lines and Geoglyphs of Nazca from the space station?
10. Have you got a homesick in the space station?
11. How did you like it when you first experienced the zero gravity?
12. Why did you become an astronaut?
13. Can you play yo-yo in space?
14. Have you seen Jupiter from the space station?
15. How many times have you gone up to the outer space?
16. What is the hardest thing for you to do in the space life?
17. How do you spend most of your time in the space station?
18. What is your feeling when you look over the universe from the space
19. What do you want to do most when return to the ground?
20. Do you read books in the space station? Can you turn the page as well as
you do on the ground?
21. Do you learn a lot in the space life?
22. What do you do when you get sick in the space station?
23. In space, is it impossible to play tug of war and arm wrestling?
24. How does the tossed ball travel like at zero gravity?
25. Did you feel scared when you first traveled into space?
26. Have you made many friends of astronauts ever since you become one of
27. Does space have seasonal temperatures?
28. How do you spend your pastime in space?
29. Are the space clothes heavy to put on?
30. Can you play gtama-ire h kind of basketball shoot in space?
其實不能完全確定, 我是由您的錄音中聽到的,
太空人呼叫的前後有台灣電台通話, 然後太空人顯得焦躁, 想要切到41備用頻道,
我想 ISS在太空應會收到大量台灣電台的干擾, (因為他不像你有山擋住),
不過話說回來, ISS uplink 不在 145.800 所以也真的沒確切證據..
2011年10月15日 星期六
ISS 太空站 2011-10-15 週六 中原時 17:47 與日本岩手縣大槌町 吉里吉里小學通話
ISS 太空站 2011-10-15 週六 中原時 17:47 與日本岩手縣大槌町 吉里吉里小學通話
Amateur Radio Morioka Club, Morioka, Japan 日本岩手縣盛岡市 業餘無線電俱樂部
ISS 開始呼叫時,約在台灣東南邊天空,仰角約41度。
一般 GP 天線,或上次研習會做的螺旋天線,NFM 145.80MHz 應該都可收到通話的前半內容,
Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule:
Amateur Radio Morioka Club, Morioka, Japan, direct via 8J7A
Contact is a go for: Sat 2011-10-15 09:47:11 UTC 74 deg
Seiryo Elementary School, Seto, Aichi, Japan, direct via 8N2SETO
Contact is a go for: Tue 2011-10-18 08:33:35 UTC 79 deg
Note, all times are approximate. It is recommended that you do your own
orbital prediction or start listening about 10 minutes before the listed
2011-10-18 週二 中原時 16:33 與日本通話
Seiryo Elementary School, Seto, Aichi, Japan 日本愛知縣瀨戶市 西陵小学校
ISS 開始呼叫時,約在台灣東南邊天空,仰角約30度。
一般 GP 天線,或上次研習會做的螺旋天線,NFM 145.80MHz 應該都可收到通話的前半內容。
** 祝 大家收聽愉快!
此次 ISS 經過台灣上空時,有香腸族在討論中繼站的問題,講不停,
我喊間隔很多次,他們都沒聽到! 我推想或許用 25W不夠力?
結果錄到前 2分鐘,之後因為 ISS 接近地平線,訊號減弱,而被香腸族的訊號淹沒。
本人使用10單元Yagi天線 (手持,水平極化) + AR3000A接收機
這樣收到 ISS 的訊號相當強 59, 可以蓋掉香腸族的訊號!
( 5次呼叫之間的香腸族的干擾訊號,我把音量減低 -30dB)
以下為 ISS太空站呼叫之內容:
8J7A (日本電台呼號), This is NA1SS (ISS 電台呼號). How do you read me? (5次呼叫)
以下為 ISS太空站通話預報:
ISS 太空站 2011-10-15 週六 中原時 17:47 與日本通話
Amateur Radio Morioka Club, Morioka, Japan 日本岩手縣盛岡市 業餘無線電俱樂部
ISS 開始呼叫時,約在台灣東南邊天空,仰角約41度。
Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule:
Amateur Radio Morioka Club, Morioka, Japan, direct via 8J7A
Contact is a go for: Sat 2011-10-15 09:47:11 UTC 74 deg
Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:
1. Are all the stars of the same shape? Can you see the constellations from
the ISS? Do they look different from the earth?
2. Have you seen the shooting stars from the ISS? What do they look like?
3. From where do you get your food you eat on the ISS, and how?
4. Can't you use the felt tip pen? Why not? What kind of tools do you use
for writing?
5. How can you "swim" in the space?
6. Why is the universe so vast?
7. What is your most favorite planet? Besides the Earth, is there any other
place in the universe people can live in? What are the most necessary
things for people to survive?
8. Is it possible to predict earthquakes from the ISS?
9. Is it true that people don't age in the space?
10. Why don't space shuttles get burned while launching, whereas the
returning capsules get extremely hot when they come back to the
11. Have you ever quarreled with someone in the ISS?
12. What is the toughest challenge in the ISS or in the universe?
13. Why did the universe come into place?
14. What was your dream when you were a child?
15. What happens if you spill some water or drink in the ISS?
16. How you can hear the sound in the ISS or in the universe?
17. Can you have your hair cut in the ISS and how?
Information about the upcoming ARISS contacts can be found at
** 祝 大家收聽愉快!
後來才知道這次QSO 是 ISS 和日本 岩手縣大槌町 吉里吉里小學校通聯,
Amateur Radio Morioka Club 算是負責通訊工作,
負責QSO 的太空人是日本人, 所以 NA1SS 呼叫到之後, 就改日語應答, 所以您女友聽到日語...
長度 35分鐘, 前 21分鐘為預演與開場介紹 (日語)
Amateur Radio Morioka Club, Morioka, Japan 日本岩手縣盛岡市 業餘無線電俱樂部
ISS 開始呼叫時,約在台灣東南邊天空,仰角約41度。
一般 GP 天線,或上次研習會做的螺旋天線,NFM 145.80MHz 應該都可收到通話的前半內容,
Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule:
Amateur Radio Morioka Club, Morioka, Japan, direct via 8J7A
Contact is a go for: Sat 2011-10-15 09:47:11 UTC 74 deg
Seiryo Elementary School, Seto, Aichi, Japan, direct via 8N2SETO
Contact is a go for: Tue 2011-10-18 08:33:35 UTC 79 deg
Note, all times are approximate. It is recommended that you do your own
orbital prediction or start listening about 10 minutes before the listed
2011-10-18 週二 中原時 16:33 與日本通話
Seiryo Elementary School, Seto, Aichi, Japan 日本愛知縣瀨戶市 西陵小学校
ISS 開始呼叫時,約在台灣東南邊天空,仰角約30度。
一般 GP 天線,或上次研習會做的螺旋天線,NFM 145.80MHz 應該都可收到通話的前半內容。
** 祝 大家收聽愉快!
此次 ISS 經過台灣上空時,有香腸族在討論中繼站的問題,講不停,
我喊間隔很多次,他們都沒聽到! 我推想或許用 25W不夠力?
結果錄到前 2分鐘,之後因為 ISS 接近地平線,訊號減弱,而被香腸族的訊號淹沒。
本人使用10單元Yagi天線 (手持,水平極化) + AR3000A接收機
這樣收到 ISS 的訊號相當強 59, 可以蓋掉香腸族的訊號!
( 5次呼叫之間的香腸族的干擾訊號,我把音量減低 -30dB)
以下為 ISS太空站呼叫之內容:
8J7A (日本電台呼號), This is NA1SS (ISS 電台呼號). How do you read me? (5次呼叫)
以下為 ISS太空站通話預報:
ISS 太空站 2011-10-15 週六 中原時 17:47 與日本通話
Amateur Radio Morioka Club, Morioka, Japan 日本岩手縣盛岡市 業餘無線電俱樂部
ISS 開始呼叫時,約在台灣東南邊天空,仰角約41度。
Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule:
Amateur Radio Morioka Club, Morioka, Japan, direct via 8J7A
Contact is a go for: Sat 2011-10-15 09:47:11 UTC 74 deg
Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:
1. Are all the stars of the same shape? Can you see the constellations from
the ISS? Do they look different from the earth?
2. Have you seen the shooting stars from the ISS? What do they look like?
3. From where do you get your food you eat on the ISS, and how?
4. Can't you use the felt tip pen? Why not? What kind of tools do you use
for writing?
5. How can you "swim" in the space?
6. Why is the universe so vast?
7. What is your most favorite planet? Besides the Earth, is there any other
place in the universe people can live in? What are the most necessary
things for people to survive?
8. Is it possible to predict earthquakes from the ISS?
9. Is it true that people don't age in the space?
10. Why don't space shuttles get burned while launching, whereas the
returning capsules get extremely hot when they come back to the
11. Have you ever quarreled with someone in the ISS?
12. What is the toughest challenge in the ISS or in the universe?
13. Why did the universe come into place?
14. What was your dream when you were a child?
15. What happens if you spill some water or drink in the ISS?
16. How you can hear the sound in the ISS or in the universe?
17. Can you have your hair cut in the ISS and how?
Information about the upcoming ARISS contacts can be found at
** 祝 大家收聽愉快!
後來才知道這次QSO 是 ISS 和日本 岩手縣大槌町 吉里吉里小學校通聯,
Amateur Radio Morioka Club 算是負責通訊工作,
負責QSO 的太空人是日本人, 所以 NA1SS 呼叫到之後, 就改日語應答, 所以您女友聽到日語...
長度 35分鐘, 前 21分鐘為預演與開場介紹 (日語)
2011年10月13日 星期四
ARISSat-1 衛星開始 CW接收比賽 2011-10-13
ARISSat-1 衛星開始 CW接收比賽 2011-10-13
CW 內容是歷史上 200多位重要火腿的呼號,
只要抄收到 6個,就可參賽。
--自己的呼號 (如果有的話)
--抄收每個呼號的 UTC時間與日期
--email 信箱
--列出收到的 6個呼號
寄到 cwreport@arissat1.org
註 1:可以錄音,事後重聽抄收OK
註 2:抄收的呼號,自己參賽就好,不可告訴其他人,否則會被取消資格。
ARISSat-1 衛星快掛了, 請把握機會!
根據 email 消息, ARISSat-1 衛星高度已下降 60Km,
加上太陽風等阻力, 現在大約每天高度降 1.5Km
預期 2012 元月或二月就會掉下來,
p.s. 收到掉下來之前的最後一組 telemetry 的人, 也可得獎!
CW 內容是歷史上 200多位重要火腿的呼號,
只要抄收到 6個,就可參賽。
--自己的呼號 (如果有的話)
--抄收每個呼號的 UTC時間與日期
--email 信箱
--列出收到的 6個呼號
寄到 cwreport@arissat1.org
註 1:可以錄音,事後重聽抄收OK
註 2:抄收的呼號,自己參賽就好,不可告訴其他人,否則會被取消資格。
ARISSat-1 衛星快掛了, 請把握機會!
根據 email 消息, ARISSat-1 衛星高度已下降 60Km,
加上太陽風等阻力, 現在大約每天高度降 1.5Km
預期 2012 元月或二月就會掉下來,
p.s. 收到掉下來之前的最後一組 telemetry 的人, 也可得獎!
ARISSat-1 衛星於 2012-1-4 掉回地球了!
根據 email 與 AMSAT 消息, ARISSat-1 衛星已於 2012-1-4 掉回地球了! ARISSat-1 衛星於 2011-8-3 俄羅斯太空人太空漫步時,手工施放, 飛了大約五個月,最近因為高度降低,大氣阻力劇增,終於掉回地球了! http://www.amsat.org/amsat-new/index.php http://www.arissat1.org/v3/
73, BM2CAJ
2011年10月3日 星期一
ISS 太空站 2011-10-03 週一 14:46:54 UTC 與 馬來西亞 吉隆坡 通話
ISS 太空站 2011-10-03 週一 14:46:54 UTC 與 馬來西亞 吉隆坡 通話
吉隆坡 Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Hartamas (Seri Hartamas National School) 小學
ISS 將通過接近台灣天頂,一般 GP 天線,或上次研習會做的螺旋天線,
NFM 145.800Mhz 應該都可收到通話的後半內容,
Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule:
S. K. Sri Hartamas, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, direct via 9M2RPN (***)
Contact is a go for: Mon 2011-10-03 14:46:54 UTC 81 deg (***)
Note, all times are approximate. It is recommended that you do your own
orbital prediction or start listening about 10 minutes before the listed
再過一陣子之後, ARISSat-1 (Radioskaf-B /KEDR) 業餘衛星也會通過,可以再收聽一下
145.950 NFM voice - SSTV 交替
145.919 CW + 145.920 USB 遙測數據 (要下載解碼軟體)
ARISSat-1 (Radioskaf-B /KEDR) 業餘衛星 通過時間提早到 22:48
ISS 太空站 2011-10-03 週一 22:53 中原時 與 馬來西亞 吉隆坡 通話
2011-10-03 週一晚,因為下雨,不方便到室外手持 螺旋天線 或 Yagi,
所以在室內用原有 雨傘型天線 D-130 + AR3000A 接收機
ARISSat-1 (Radioskaf-B /KEDR) 業餘衛星 開始通過時間約 22:47
145.95 MHz NFM --> 沒收到訊號,
或許接近上空時,剛好是衛星休眠 2分鐘期間。
ISS 太空站 中原時 22:46 與 馬來西亞 吉隆坡 通話
145.80 MHz 台北很多人聊天,我叫間隔,說明太空站將通話,借用 5分鐘錄音。
很多電台,大約 7-8個電台很給面子,真的停 5分鐘,
中原時 22:54 ISS 升上台北地平線
145.80 MHz NFM --> 只錄到 3秒鐘的訊號 (聊天干擾超大)
吉隆坡 Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Hartamas (Seri Hartamas National School) 小學
ISS 將通過接近台灣天頂,一般 GP 天線,或上次研習會做的螺旋天線,
NFM 145.800Mhz 應該都可收到通話的後半內容,
Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule:
S. K. Sri Hartamas, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, direct via 9M2RPN (***)
Contact is a go for: Mon 2011-10-03 14:46:54 UTC 81 deg (***)
Note, all times are approximate. It is recommended that you do your own
orbital prediction or start listening about 10 minutes before the listed
再過一陣子之後, ARISSat-1 (Radioskaf-B /KEDR) 業餘衛星也會通過,可以再收聽一下
145.950 NFM voice - SSTV 交替
145.919 CW + 145.920 USB 遙測數據 (要下載解碼軟體)
ARISSat-1 (Radioskaf-B /KEDR) 業餘衛星 通過時間提早到 22:48
ISS 太空站 2011-10-03 週一 22:53 中原時 與 馬來西亞 吉隆坡 通話
2011-10-03 週一晚,因為下雨,不方便到室外手持 螺旋天線 或 Yagi,
所以在室內用原有 雨傘型天線 D-130 + AR3000A 接收機
ARISSat-1 (Radioskaf-B /KEDR) 業餘衛星 開始通過時間約 22:47
145.95 MHz NFM --> 沒收到訊號,
或許接近上空時,剛好是衛星休眠 2分鐘期間。
ISS 太空站 中原時 22:46 與 馬來西亞 吉隆坡 通話
145.80 MHz 台北很多人聊天,我叫間隔,說明太空站將通話,借用 5分鐘錄音。
很多電台,大約 7-8個電台很給面子,真的停 5分鐘,
中原時 22:54 ISS 升上台北地平線
145.80 MHz NFM --> 只錄到 3秒鐘的訊號 (聊天干擾超大)
2011年9月12日 星期一
美國GRAIL探月太空船用S band D/L
美國GRAIL探月太空船用S band D/L
GRAIL 用S band 與 X band D/L,
請問 ham可能收到嗎? 謝謝!
GRAIL 用S band 與 X band D/L,
請問 ham可能收到嗎? 謝謝!
2011年9月5日 星期一
ISS 太空站 2011-09-05 週一 09:53:34 UTC 與 日本神戶通話
ISS 太空站 2011-09-05 週一 09:53:34 UTC 與 日本神戶通話
台灣接收仰角只有 7度,設備較好的朋友可試著收聽,
因 ISS 功率比一般業餘衛星大,我猜用 GP天線也有機會收到通話內容。
Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule
Kobe Science Museum, Kobe-city, Japan, direct via 8J3KSM (***)
Contact is a go for: Mon 2011-09-05 09:53:34 UTC 50 deg (***)
台灣接收仰角只有 7度,設備較好的朋友可試著收聽,
因 ISS 功率比一般業餘衛星大,我猜用 GP天線也有機會收到通話內容。
Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule
Kobe Science Museum, Kobe-city, Japan, direct via 8J3KSM (***)
Contact is a go for: Mon 2011-09-05 09:53:34 UTC 50 deg (***)
2011年8月3日 星期三
ISS 國際太空站 2011-8-3 已成功施放 ARISSat-1 衛星
ISS 國際太空站 2011-8-3 已成功施放 ARISSat-1 衛星
在下 8/4 中原時 23:05 收到
在下 8/4 中原時 23:05 收到
2011年7月31日 星期日
太空站 2011/ 7/30-31 將測試衛星 ARISSat-1 訊號
太空站 7/30-31 將測試衛星 ARISSat-1 訊號
7/30 19:15 UTC ~ 7/31 1430 UTC
7/31 3:15 中原時 ~ 7/31 22:30
Time Satellite Azm Elv Mag Range S.Azm S.Elv
2011-07-31 08:52:34 ISS 41.8 14.6 2.5 1175 89.0 46.1
2011-07-31 10:28:38 ISS 232.9 26.6 2.4 794 102.7 67.7
* ARISSat-1/KEDR Test Transmissions Planned From ISS July 30-31
Test transmissions from ARISSat-1/KEDR are scheduled to begin at
19:15 UTC on July 30 and then continue until 1430 UTC on July 31.
The satellite will be connected to an external antenna mounted on
the ISS during testing. During the test ARISSat-1/KEDR will be in
LOW power mode, this means that it will transmit about 40 seconds
and then shut down for 2 minutes and then transmit for again for
40 seconds.
During the ISS test there will not be an antenna connected to the
ARISSat-1/KEDR UHF port. The 435 MHz - 145 MHz Linear Transponder
will not be active during the test period. This transponder will
be active once ARISSat-1/KEDR is deployed.
To listen for ARISSat-1/KEDR signals, FM receivers should be tuned
to 145.950 MHz. Even though the satellite will only have an output
of 250 mW on 2 meters, a standard FM handy talkie equipped with a
quarter-wave whip antenna should be able to receive the voice ID,
voice telemetry and greeting messages as the craft passes overhead.
Those planning to monitor voice broadcasts from ARISSat-1/KEDR
during the July 30 - 31 test are requested to make note of the
telemetry battery voltage values and UTC time, and then submit
their records by e-mail to: julytest@arissat1.org.
SSTV transmissions are included in the cycling FM downlink with
station identification RS01S, voice messages, and spoken telemetry.
SSTV transmissions may also be demodulated and viewed using a free
downloadable program such as MMSSTV that is available at:
For Mac users, Multiscan2 is available at:
If you successfully receive the SSTV transmissions, you can
upload the SSTV picture that you received to:
Given the low duty cycle of the spacecraft, those planning to
receive and decode the digital telemetry during this test are
encouraged to record the entire signal band using the FunCube
dongle or SDR-IQ receivers.
Software for demodulating the BPSK-1000 telemetry is available
at http://www.arissattlm.org;
the software Quick Start Guide is available on the link on the
http://www.amsat.org front page.
AMSAT needs your telemetry from ARISSat-1/KEDR both during the
test and after deployment from the International Space Station.
Since there are no "Whole Orbit Data" storage mechanisms onboard
ARISSat-1/KEDR, your submissions are the only way for AMSAT to
collect the spacecraft telemetry and KURSK experiment results.
If you are running ARISSatTLM and receiving the signal "live" from
ARISSat-1/KEDR, then please enable the telemetry forwarding option.
In the PC version of ARISSatTLM you can do this by selecting "Tools"
then "Options". In the "Options" window, replace "NOCALL" with your
amateur radio callsign and put a check in the box next to "Forward
telemetry over the Internet". The destination will already be filled
in with "telemetry.arissattlm.org".
If you successfully receive the telemetry from a recording (not live),
please forward your telemetry CSV file and KURSK telemetry files by
e-mail to telemetry (AT) arissattlm.org. These can be found inside
the ARISSatTLM folder on your Windows desktop in the Kursk and Tele-
metry folders.
And, if you just can't get enough ARISSat-1/KEDR telemetry, remember
that you can see the latest telemetry LIVE on your computer or cell
phone at: http://www.arissattlm.org/mobile
This "mobile" page is powered by the submissions from the ARISSatTLM
users who forward their telemetry over the Internet.
Thanks to David Carr, KD5QGR, ARISSat-1/KEDR has just been added to
list of satellites at the popular "Live OSCAR Satellite Status Page"
at: http://oscar.dcarr.org/ Although the transponder will not be
active this weekend, if you hear the downlink during the test (or if
you don't hear the downlink) please submit a report.
More information on the transmission schedule and overall mission
of ARISSat-1/KEDR can be found at:
ARISSat-1/KEDR Web site: http://www.arissat1.org
AMSAT Web site: http://www.amsat.org
ARISS Web site: http://www.ariss.org
ARISS Facebook Page: Amateur Radio on the ISS (ARISS)
ARISS Twitter site: @ARISS_status
莊老師超讚, 成功收到了 !
在下早上剛好有事, 沒有測試, 很可惜...
73, BM2CAJ
7/30 19:15 UTC ~ 7/31 1430 UTC
7/31 3:15 中原時 ~ 7/31 22:30
Time Satellite Azm Elv Mag Range S.Azm S.Elv
2011-07-31 08:52:34 ISS 41.8 14.6 2.5 1175 89.0 46.1
2011-07-31 10:28:38 ISS 232.9 26.6 2.4 794 102.7 67.7
* ARISSat-1/KEDR Test Transmissions Planned From ISS July 30-31
Test transmissions from ARISSat-1/KEDR are scheduled to begin at
19:15 UTC on July 30 and then continue until 1430 UTC on July 31.
The satellite will be connected to an external antenna mounted on
the ISS during testing. During the test ARISSat-1/KEDR will be in
LOW power mode, this means that it will transmit about 40 seconds
and then shut down for 2 minutes and then transmit for again for
40 seconds.
During the ISS test there will not be an antenna connected to the
ARISSat-1/KEDR UHF port. The 435 MHz - 145 MHz Linear Transponder
will not be active during the test period. This transponder will
be active once ARISSat-1/KEDR is deployed.
To listen for ARISSat-1/KEDR signals, FM receivers should be tuned
to 145.950 MHz. Even though the satellite will only have an output
of 250 mW on 2 meters, a standard FM handy talkie equipped with a
quarter-wave whip antenna should be able to receive the voice ID,
voice telemetry and greeting messages as the craft passes overhead.
Those planning to monitor voice broadcasts from ARISSat-1/KEDR
during the July 30 - 31 test are requested to make note of the
telemetry battery voltage values and UTC time, and then submit
their records by e-mail to: julytest@arissat1.org.
SSTV transmissions are included in the cycling FM downlink with
station identification RS01S, voice messages, and spoken telemetry.
SSTV transmissions may also be demodulated and viewed using a free
downloadable program such as MMSSTV that is available at:
For Mac users, Multiscan2 is available at:
If you successfully receive the SSTV transmissions, you can
upload the SSTV picture that you received to:
Given the low duty cycle of the spacecraft, those planning to
receive and decode the digital telemetry during this test are
encouraged to record the entire signal band using the FunCube
dongle or SDR-IQ receivers.
Software for demodulating the BPSK-1000 telemetry is available
at http://www.arissattlm.org;
the software Quick Start Guide is available on the link on the
http://www.amsat.org front page.
AMSAT needs your telemetry from ARISSat-1/KEDR both during the
test and after deployment from the International Space Station.
Since there are no "Whole Orbit Data" storage mechanisms onboard
ARISSat-1/KEDR, your submissions are the only way for AMSAT to
collect the spacecraft telemetry and KURSK experiment results.
If you are running ARISSatTLM and receiving the signal "live" from
ARISSat-1/KEDR, then please enable the telemetry forwarding option.
In the PC version of ARISSatTLM you can do this by selecting "Tools"
then "Options". In the "Options" window, replace "NOCALL" with your
amateur radio callsign and put a check in the box next to "Forward
telemetry over the Internet". The destination will already be filled
in with "telemetry.arissattlm.org".
If you successfully receive the telemetry from a recording (not live),
please forward your telemetry CSV file and KURSK telemetry files by
e-mail to telemetry (AT) arissattlm.org. These can be found inside
the ARISSatTLM folder on your Windows desktop in the Kursk and Tele-
metry folders.
And, if you just can't get enough ARISSat-1/KEDR telemetry, remember
that you can see the latest telemetry LIVE on your computer or cell
phone at: http://www.arissattlm.org/mobile
This "mobile" page is powered by the submissions from the ARISSatTLM
users who forward their telemetry over the Internet.
Thanks to David Carr, KD5QGR, ARISSat-1/KEDR has just been added to
list of satellites at the popular "Live OSCAR Satellite Status Page"
at: http://oscar.dcarr.org/ Although the transponder will not be
active this weekend, if you hear the downlink during the test (or if
you don't hear the downlink) please submit a report.
More information on the transmission schedule and overall mission
of ARISSat-1/KEDR can be found at:
ARISSat-1/KEDR Web site: http://www.arissat1.org
AMSAT Web site: http://www.amsat.org
ARISS Web site: http://www.ariss.org
ARISS Facebook Page: Amateur Radio on the ISS (ARISS)
ARISS Twitter site: @ARISS_status
莊老師超讚, 成功收到了 !
在下早上剛好有事, 沒有測試, 很可惜...
73, BM2CAJ
2011年6月21日 星期二
ISS 太空站 2011-06-21 Tue UTC 09:00:25 與 日本熊本市通話
ISS 太空站 2011-06-21 Tue UTC 09:00:25 與 日本熊本市通話
台灣應可收到前 1/3 ~ 1/2 通話內容
(目前衛星預測程式顯示 UTC 08:34, 但 ISS 可能調整軌道, 屆時可能接近 09:00 )
Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule
Nankan 4th Elementary School, Nankanmachi, Tamanagun, Kumamoto, Japan
Contact is a go for: Tue 2011-06-21 09:00:25 UTC 44 deg (***)
ISS 太空站 2011-06-21 Tue UTC 09:00:25
開始與 日本熊本市南關町第四小學通話
An International Space Station school contact has been planned with participants at Nankan 4th Elementary School, Nankanmachi, Tamanagun, Kumamoto, Japan on 21 June. The event is scheduled to begin at approximately 09:00 UTC. The duration of the contact is approximately 9 minutes and 30 seconds. The contact will be direct between NA1SS and 8N6N4E. The contact should be audible over Japan. Interested parties are invited to listen in on the 145.80 MHz downlink. The contact is expected to be conducted in English.
中原時 pm17:04 左右開始,在下錄到前三分多鐘通話
只是不知為何通話內容是日文? 日本太空人說日文?
前半用 D130 GP天線,
後半用 Cushcraft 5el Yagi 天線,ISS 仰角2.5度以下才失去信號!
73, BM2CAJ
台灣應可收到前 1/3 ~ 1/2 通話內容
(目前衛星預測程式顯示 UTC 08:34, 但 ISS 可能調整軌道, 屆時可能接近 09:00 )
Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule
Nankan 4th Elementary School, Nankanmachi, Tamanagun, Kumamoto, Japan
Contact is a go for: Tue 2011-06-21 09:00:25 UTC 44 deg (***)
ISS 太空站 2011-06-21 Tue UTC 09:00:25
開始與 日本熊本市南關町第四小學通話
An International Space Station school contact has been planned with participants at Nankan 4th Elementary School, Nankanmachi, Tamanagun, Kumamoto, Japan on 21 June. The event is scheduled to begin at approximately 09:00 UTC. The duration of the contact is approximately 9 minutes and 30 seconds. The contact will be direct between NA1SS and 8N6N4E. The contact should be audible over Japan. Interested parties are invited to listen in on the 145.80 MHz downlink. The contact is expected to be conducted in English.
中原時 pm17:04 左右開始,在下錄到前三分多鐘通話
只是不知為何通話內容是日文? 日本太空人說日文?
前半用 D130 GP天線,
後半用 Cushcraft 5el Yagi 天線,ISS 仰角2.5度以下才失去信號!
73, BM2CAJ
2011年4月18日 星期一
ISS 太空站 2011-04-18 Mon 18:05:45 與 日本愛知縣通話
ISS 太空站 2011-04-18 Mon 18:05:45 與 日本愛知縣通話
台灣應可收到。 唯仰角僅 15度,稍有困難度。
Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule
Toyota Children's Scientific Expedition, Toyota, Aichi, Japan, direct via
Contact is a go for: Mon 2011-04-18 10:05:45 UTC 45 deg
台灣應可收到。 唯仰角僅 15度,稍有困難度。
Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule
Toyota Children's Scientific Expedition, Toyota, Aichi, Japan, direct via
Contact is a go for: Mon 2011-04-18 10:05:45 UTC 45 deg
2011年4月11日 星期一
ARISSat-1 要試用了
ARISSat-1 要試用了!
14:30 UTC April 11 ~ around 10:30 UTC on April 13
台灣中原時 4/11 pm22:30 ~ 4/13 pm18:30
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 098.01
April 8, 2011
BID: $ANS-098.01
SILVER SPRING, MARYLAND (AMSAT News Service) While awaiting deployment from the International Space Station (ISS) in late July, an amateur radio satellite specifically designed to in-
terest students in scientific and technological careers will be activated and begin transmissions from the ISS in mid-April of this year.
Transmissions are scheduled to begin Monday around 14:30 UTC April 11 and ending Wednesday around 10:30 UTC on April 13. Electronic certificates of the event will be available to those summitting reception reports to: Gagarin@arissat1.org.
These transmissions will commemorate 50 years since the flight of Russian Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin as the first human to enter outer space. The satellite (called ARISSat-1, RadioSkaf-V) will send telemetry, SSTV images, and messages of goodwill as it orbits earth inside the ISS.
ARISSat-1 is a cooperative effort between AMSAT, ARISS (Amateur Radio on the International Space Station,) RSC-Energia (The Russian Space Agency) and NASA. The design, development and construction of the satellite was done by AMSAT volunteers. Original plans call-
ed for the satellite to be housed inside an old Russian spacesuit. But when the suit became unavailable, a spaceframe was developed to house the radio equipment and solar panels. The new satellite was named ARISSat-1. Other names for the spacecraft are RadioSkaf-V and Kedr. The transmitted callsign will be RS01S.
In order to operate inside the ISS, ARISSat-1 will be connected to an external amateur radio antenna already mounted on the outer sur-
face of the space station. The craft will use its own battery for operation, therefore it will be in low power mode. As a result, listeners can expect 40-60 second "ON" periods followed by two-minute "OFF" periods to save battery power.
To listen for ARISSat-1 voice signals during this special event, FM receivers should be tuned to 145.950 MHz. Specific only to this event, planning is currently underway to provide an additional FM broadcast downlink at 437.550 MHz. Even though the satellite will only have an output of 250 mW on 2 meters, a standard FM handy talkie equipped with a quarter-wave whip antenna should be able to receive the voice ID, voice telemetry and greeting messages as the craft passes overhead. SSTV transmissions may also be demodulated and viewed using a free downloadable program such as MMSSTV that is available at: http://mmhamsoft.amateur-radio.ca/pages/mmsstv.php. For Mac users, Multiscan2 is available at: http://web.me.com/kd6cji/MacSSTV/MultiScan.html.
Those planning to monitor voice broadcasts from ARISSat-1 are request-
ed to make note of the telemetry battery voltage values and UTC time, and then submit their records to Gagarin@arissat1.org. Digital tele-
metry will be sent at 145.920 MHz. Given the low duty cycle of the spacecraft, those planning to receive the digital telemetry are en-
couraged to record the entire signal band using the FunCube dongle or SDR-IQ receivers.
Software for demodulating the BPSK-1000 telemetry is available at:
A software user guide will be available soon.
This special period of operation is only expected to continue during the two-day 50 year commemoration of Gagarin's famous mission.
The actual deployment of ARISSat-1, first announced for February 2011, is now expected to take place during an EVA scheduled for late July, 2011. After it is deployed from the International Space Station, ARISSat-1 is expected to be in orbit for a period of up to six months.
More information on the transmission schedule and overall mission of ARISSat-1 can be found at:
ARISSat-1 Web site: http://www.arissat1.org
AMSAT Web site: http://www.amsat.org
ARISS Web site: http://www.ariss.org
ARISS Facebook Page: Amateur Radio on the ISS (ARISS)
ARISS Twitter site: @ARISS_status
14:30 UTC April 11 ~ around 10:30 UTC on April 13
台灣中原時 4/11 pm22:30 ~ 4/13 pm18:30
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 098.01
April 8, 2011
BID: $ANS-098.01
SILVER SPRING, MARYLAND (AMSAT News Service) While awaiting deployment from the International Space Station (ISS) in late July, an amateur radio satellite specifically designed to in-
terest students in scientific and technological careers will be activated and begin transmissions from the ISS in mid-April of this year.
Transmissions are scheduled to begin Monday around 14:30 UTC April 11 and ending Wednesday around 10:30 UTC on April 13. Electronic certificates of the event will be available to those summitting reception reports to: Gagarin@arissat1.org.
These transmissions will commemorate 50 years since the flight of Russian Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin as the first human to enter outer space. The satellite (called ARISSat-1, RadioSkaf-V) will send telemetry, SSTV images, and messages of goodwill as it orbits earth inside the ISS.
ARISSat-1 is a cooperative effort between AMSAT, ARISS (Amateur Radio on the International Space Station,) RSC-Energia (The Russian Space Agency) and NASA. The design, development and construction of the satellite was done by AMSAT volunteers. Original plans call-
ed for the satellite to be housed inside an old Russian spacesuit. But when the suit became unavailable, a spaceframe was developed to house the radio equipment and solar panels. The new satellite was named ARISSat-1. Other names for the spacecraft are RadioSkaf-V and Kedr. The transmitted callsign will be RS01S.
In order to operate inside the ISS, ARISSat-1 will be connected to an external amateur radio antenna already mounted on the outer sur-
face of the space station. The craft will use its own battery for operation, therefore it will be in low power mode. As a result, listeners can expect 40-60 second "ON" periods followed by two-minute "OFF" periods to save battery power.
To listen for ARISSat-1 voice signals during this special event, FM receivers should be tuned to 145.950 MHz. Specific only to this event, planning is currently underway to provide an additional FM broadcast downlink at 437.550 MHz. Even though the satellite will only have an output of 250 mW on 2 meters, a standard FM handy talkie equipped with a quarter-wave whip antenna should be able to receive the voice ID, voice telemetry and greeting messages as the craft passes overhead. SSTV transmissions may also be demodulated and viewed using a free downloadable program such as MMSSTV that is available at: http://mmhamsoft.amateur-radio.ca/pages/mmsstv.php. For Mac users, Multiscan2 is available at: http://web.me.com/kd6cji/MacSSTV/MultiScan.html.
Those planning to monitor voice broadcasts from ARISSat-1 are request-
ed to make note of the telemetry battery voltage values and UTC time, and then submit their records to Gagarin@arissat1.org. Digital tele-
metry will be sent at 145.920 MHz. Given the low duty cycle of the spacecraft, those planning to receive the digital telemetry are en-
couraged to record the entire signal band using the FunCube dongle or SDR-IQ receivers.
Software for demodulating the BPSK-1000 telemetry is available at:
A software user guide will be available soon.
This special period of operation is only expected to continue during the two-day 50 year commemoration of Gagarin's famous mission.
The actual deployment of ARISSat-1, first announced for February 2011, is now expected to take place during an EVA scheduled for late July, 2011. After it is deployed from the International Space Station, ARISSat-1 is expected to be in orbit for a period of up to six months.
More information on the transmission schedule and overall mission of ARISSat-1 can be found at:
ARISSat-1 Web site: http://www.arissat1.org
AMSAT Web site: http://www.amsat.org
ARISS Web site: http://www.ariss.org
ARISS Facebook Page: Amateur Radio on the ISS (ARISS)
ARISS Twitter site: @ARISS_status
2011年4月6日 星期三
Observing X-37B space shuttle 觀察 X-37B 無人太空梭
Observing X-37B space shuttle
觀察 X-37B 無人太空梭
今晚天氣很好, 可以看星星!
有看到 X-37B 無人太空梭, 預報是 1.7 等,
沒想到飛近天狼星之後, 突然爆亮, 比 -1.4 的天狼星還亮!
隨後又看到 Lacrosse 4 衛星, 1.6 等, 肉眼可見,
但仰角漸低之後, 就要雙筒望遠鏡才看得到, 滿過癮的...
X-37試驗機- 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - Wikipedia
文章 (Atom)
Dr. Shaw YC Shiau PhD 蕭醫師 蕭博士 蕭同學 首頁 置頂文 標籤 分類搜尋
There will be Advertisement (personalized) inserts in Google Blog. Sorry! 谷歌 的 部落格 會有 置入廣告 (個人化的) ,請見諒! Information Service b...

鼓勵文: 治療癌症 的新科技 進步! 存活期間越來越長! 大家不要輕言放棄! 大約二十幾年前,看到有得癌症,比較少看到早期的, 很多都是中晚期,如果是第二,或第三期,會想也許還可以活二、三年吧? 如果是第四期,算是晚期,常常會擔心說,這樣可以活超...
There will be Advertisement (personalized) inserts in Google Blog. Sorry! 谷歌 的 部落格 會有 置入廣告 (個人化的) ,請見諒! Information Service b...
國際太空站(ISS)SSTV (慢速掃描圖傳) 實驗 將於10月09日至10月14日進行 有興趣的 同好可以測試接收 SSTV 接收頻率 145.800 MHz NFM 靜噪等級 SQL 盡量調到 0 以免漏失 << 微弱信號>...