2011年7月31日 星期日

太空站 2011/ 7/30-31 將測試衛星 ARISSat-1 訊號

太空站 7/30-31 將測試衛星 ARISSat-1 訊號

7/30 19:15 UTC ~ 7/31 1430 UTC
7/31  3:15 中原時 ~ 7/31 22:30


Time                Satellite              Azm  Elv  Mag Range S.Azm S.Elv
2011-07-31 08:52:34 ISS                   41.8 14.6  2.5  1175  89.0  46.1
2011-07-31 10:28:38 ISS                  232.9 26.6  2.4   794 102.7  67.7



* ARISSat-1/KEDR Test Transmissions Planned From ISS July 30-31

Test transmissions from ARISSat-1/KEDR are scheduled to begin at
19:15 UTC on July 30 and then continue until 1430 UTC on July 31.

The satellite will be connected to an external antenna mounted on
the ISS during testing. During the test ARISSat-1/KEDR will be in
LOW power mode, this means that it will transmit about 40 seconds
and then shut down for 2 minutes and then transmit for again for
40 seconds.

During the ISS test there will not be an antenna connected to the
ARISSat-1/KEDR UHF port. The 435 MHz - 145 MHz Linear Transponder
will not be active during the test period. This transponder will
be active once ARISSat-1/KEDR is deployed.

To listen for ARISSat-1/KEDR signals, FM receivers should be tuned
to 145.950 MHz. Even though the satellite will only have an output
of 250 mW on 2 meters, a standard FM handy talkie equipped with a
quarter-wave whip antenna should be able to receive the voice ID,
voice telemetry and greeting messages as the craft passes overhead.

Those planning to monitor voice broadcasts from ARISSat-1/KEDR
during the July 30 - 31 test are requested to make note of the
telemetry battery voltage values and UTC time, and then submit
their records by e-mail to: julytest@arissat1.org.

SSTV transmissions are included in the cycling FM downlink with
station identification RS01S, voice messages, and spoken telemetry.

SSTV transmissions may also be demodulated and viewed using a free
downloadable program such as MMSSTV that is available at:
For Mac users, Multiscan2 is available at:

If you successfully receive the SSTV transmissions, you can
upload the SSTV picture that you received to:

Given the low duty cycle of the spacecraft, those planning to
receive and decode the digital telemetry during this test are
encouraged to record the entire signal band using the FunCube
dongle or SDR-IQ receivers.

Software for demodulating the BPSK-1000 telemetry is available
at http://www.arissattlm.org;
the software Quick Start Guide is available on the link on the
http://www.amsat.org front page.

AMSAT needs your telemetry from ARISSat-1/KEDR both during the
test and after deployment from the International Space Station.

Since there are no "Whole Orbit Data" storage mechanisms onboard
ARISSat-1/KEDR, your submissions are the only way for AMSAT to
collect the spacecraft telemetry and KURSK experiment results.

If you are running ARISSatTLM and receiving the signal "live" from
ARISSat-1/KEDR, then please enable the telemetry forwarding option.
In the PC version of ARISSatTLM you can do this by selecting "Tools"
then "Options". In the "Options" window, replace "NOCALL" with your
amateur radio callsign and put a check in the box next to "Forward
telemetry over the Internet". The destination will already be filled
in with "telemetry.arissattlm.org".

If you successfully receive the telemetry from a recording (not live),
please forward your telemetry CSV file and KURSK telemetry files by
e-mail to telemetry (AT) arissattlm.org. These can be found inside
the ARISSatTLM folder on your Windows desktop in the Kursk and Tele-
metry folders.

And, if you just can't get enough ARISSat-1/KEDR telemetry, remember
that you can see the latest telemetry LIVE on your computer or cell
phone at: http://www.arissattlm.org/mobile

This "mobile" page is powered by the submissions from the ARISSatTLM
users who forward their telemetry over the Internet.

Thanks to David Carr, KD5QGR, ARISSat-1/KEDR has just been added to
list of satellites at the popular "Live OSCAR Satellite Status Page"
at: http://oscar.dcarr.org/  Although the transponder will not be
active this weekend, if you hear the downlink during the test (or if
you don't hear the downlink) please submit a report.

More information on the transmission schedule and overall mission
of ARISSat-1/KEDR can be found at:

ARISSat-1/KEDR Web site: http://www.arissat1.org
AMSAT Web site:          http://www.amsat.org
ARISS  Web site:         http://www.ariss.org
ARISS Facebook Page:     Amateur Radio on the ISS (ARISS)
ARISS Twitter site:      @ARISS_status

莊老師超讚, 成功收到了 !

在下早上剛好有事, 沒有測試, 很可惜...


73, BM2CAJ


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