2021年4月8日 星期四

Covid-19 新冠病毒 感染症的近期 更新訊息 2021-02-19

Covid-19 新冠病毒 感染症的近期 更新訊息 2021-02-19

UpToDate 2020-12-17 最新研究彙整:


*** 新冠肺炎的無症狀病人,大約佔所有確診者的 30 - 40%。


81% 輕症,無肺炎或輕微肺炎。

14% 重症,呼吸困難,低血氧,或 >50% 在 24 - 48小時內出現肺影像異常。

5% 危急,呼吸衰竭,休克,或多重器官衰竭。

死亡率 2.3%


●Mild disease (no or mild pneumonia) was reported in 81 percent.

●Severe disease (eg, with dyspnea, hypoxia, or >50 percent lung involvement on imaging within 24 to 48 hours) was reported in 14 percent.

●Critical disease (eg, with respiratory failure, shock, or multiorgan dysfunction) was reported in 5 percent.

●The overall case fatality rate was 2.3 percent; no deaths were reported among noncritical cases.

*** 重症的危險因子:

● 年紀大: 70歲以上比較危險,比較嚴重。小孩與青春期通常輕症。

● 有共病較危險

• 心血管疾病 Cardiovascular disease

• 糖尿病 Diabetes mellitus

• 高血壓 Hypertension

• 慢性肺疾 Chronic lung disease

• 癌症 Cancer (in particular hematologic malignancies, lung cancer, and metastatic disease) [66]

• 慢性腎病 Chronic kidney disease

• 肥胖症 Obesity

• 抽菸 Smoking

● 社經背景與性別




● Laboratory abnormalities 檢驗異常 預後較差

•Lymphopenia 淋巴球低下

•Thrombocytopenia 血小板低下

•Elevated liver enzymes 肝酵素升高(肝功能異常)

•Elevated lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)  乳酸脫氫酶升高

•Elevated inflammatory markers (eg, C-reactive protein [CRP], ferritin) and inflammatory cytokines (ie, interleukin 6 [IL-6] and tumor necrosis factor [TNF]-alpha)  發炎標誌升高

•Elevated D-dimer (>1 mcg/mL)  D-D 雙合試驗升高

•Elevated prothrombin time (PT) 凝血酵素原時間升高

•Elevated troponin  肌鈣蛋白升高

•Elevated creatine phosphokinase (CPK) 肌酸磷酸激酶升高

•Acute kidney injury 急性腎損傷

● Viral Factors 病毒 RNA量多則比較嚴重


Incubation period 潛伏期: 大部分 4 - 5 天,很少超過 14天。

● Initial presentation 初期表現:



統計 37萬人的症狀:

●Cough in 50 percent 咳嗽

●Fever (subjective or >100.4°F/38°C) in 43 percent 發燒

●Myalgia in 36 percent 肌肉痛

●Headache in 34 percent 頭痛

●Dyspnea in 29 percent 呼吸困難

●Sore throat in 20 percent 喉嚨痛

●Diarrhea in 19 percent 腹瀉

●Nausea/vomiting in 12 percent 噁心,嘔吐

●Loss of smell or taste, abdominal pain, and rhinorrhea in fewer than 10 percent each 嗅覺或味覺喪失,腹痛、流鼻水,小於 10%

● Course and complications 病程與併發症:

●Respiratory failure – Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is the major complication


●Cardiac and cardiovascular complications – Other complications have included arrhythmias, acute cardiac injury, and shock


●Thromboembolic complications – Thromboembolic complications, including pulmonary embolism and acute stroke


●Neurologic complications – Encephalopathy is a common complication of COVID-19, particularly among critically ill patients


●Inflammatory complications – Some patients with severe COVID-19 have laboratory evidence of an exuberant inflammatory response, with persistent fevers, elevated inflammatory markers (eg, D-dimer, ferritin), and elevated proinflammatory cytokines; these laboratory abnormalities have been associated with critical and fatal illnesses


●Secondary infections – Secondary infections do not appear to be common complications of COVID-19 overall, although data are limited [143,144]. In a review of nine studies, mainly from China, the reported rate of bacterial or fungal coinfections was 8 percent (in 62 of 806); these included mainly respiratory infections and bacteremia

  二次感染。不常見,但有報告 8% 有細菌或黴菌的同時感染。

● Recovery and long-term sequelae 恢復與長期後遺症:

● 輕症者常在二週內恢復。

● 重症常需要二至三個月恢復。

● 最常見的持續症狀包括:疲倦、呼吸困難、胸痛、咳嗽、與認知異常。


● 有些病人恢復之後,呈現持續或是反覆的核酸檢驗陽性




● Chest radiographs – 胸部X光


  Common abnormal radiograph findings were consolidation and ground-glass opacities, with bilateral, peripheral, and lower lung zone distributions; lung involvement increased over the course of illness, with a peak in severity at 10 to 12 days after symptom onset.

● Chest CT – 胸部電腦斷層


● Chest CT in patients with COVID-19 most commonly demonstrates ground-glass opacification.


●Ground-glass opacifications – 83 percent

●Ground-glass opacifications with mixed consolidation – 58 percent

●Adjacent pleural thickening – 52 percent

●Interlobular septal thickening – 48 percent

●Air bronchograms – 46 percent

● Lung ultrasound – 肺部超音波  其他檢查無法取得時可做。


● Pregnant and breastfeeding women — 懷孕與哺乳婦女


Children — 小孩 — 有症狀的不多,另看專文。

● People with HIV — 後天免疫不全病毒 HIV 感染者  另看專文。


The clinical spectrum of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-COV-2) infection ranges from asymptomatic infection to critical and fatal illness. The proportion of infections that are asymptomatic is uncertain, as the definition of "asymptomatic" varies across studies and longitudinal follow-up to identify those who ultimately develop symptoms is often not performed. Nevertheless, some estimates suggest that up to 40 percent of infections are asymptomatic. (See 'Asymptomatic infections' above.)


Most symptomatic infections are mild. Severe disease (eg, with hypoxia and pneumonia) has been reported in 15 to 20 percent of symptomatic infections; it can occur in otherwise healthy individuals of any age, but predominantly occurs in adults with advanced age or certain underlying medical comorbidities (). In North America and Europe, Black, Hispanic, and South Asian individuals are also more likely to have severe disease, likely related to underlying disparities in the social determinants of health. (See 'Severity of symptomatic infection' above.)


The incubation period from the time of exposure until the onset of symptoms is four to five days on average, but may be as long as 14 days. (See 'Incubation period' above.)

潛伏期 大部分 4 - 5 天,但可以長到 14天。

Cough, myalgias, and headache are the most commonly reported symptoms. Other features, including diarrhea, sore throat, and smell or taste abnormalities, are also well described (). Pneumonia, with fever, cough, dyspnea, and infiltrates on chest imaging, is the most frequent serious manifestation of infection. There are no specific clinical features that can yet reliably distinguish COVID-19 from other viral respiratory infections. (See 'Initial presentation' above.)

Certain laboratory features, such as lymphopenia, elevated D-dimer, and elevated inflammatory markers have been associated with severe COVID-19 (). (See 'Laboratory abnormalities' above.)

Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is the major complication in patients with severe disease and can manifest shortly after the onset of dyspnea. Many other complications have been reported, including thromboembolic events, acute cardiac injury, kidney injury, and inflammatory complications. (See 'Course and complications' above and "Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): Critical care and airway management issues", section on 'Clinical features in critically ill patients' and "Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): Hypercoagulability" and "Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): Evaluation and management of cardiac disease in adults" and "Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) clinical features, evaluation, and diagnosis".)

Persistent symptoms following acute COVID-19 are discussed in detail elsewhere. (See "Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): Evaluation and management of adults following acute viral illness", section on 'COVID-19 recovery'.)

The possibility of COVID-19 should be considered primarily in patients with compatible symptoms (), in particular fever and/or respiratory tract symptoms, who reside in or have traveled to areas with community transmission or who have had recent close contact with a confirmed or suspected individual with COVID-19. If possible, all symptomatic patients with suspected SARS-CoV-2 infection should undergo testing. Testing for and diagnosis of COVID-19 are discussed in detail elsewhere. (See "Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): Diagnosis", section on 'Diagnostic approach'.)

有類似症狀即需考慮是否為新冠病毒 Covid-19 感染

When COVID-19 is suspected, infection control measures should be implemented. Infection control in the home and in health care settings is discussed in detail elsewhere. (See "Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): Infection control in health care and home settings", section on 'Infection control in the health care setting'.)

懷疑新冠病毒 Covid-19 感染即需採取感控措施。

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*** Covid-19 新冠肺炎的嚴重病人,使用 Bevacizumab (Avastin) 治療可以改善病況。




*** Covid-19 新冠肺炎的輕症病人,大約 1/3病人會有持續 6 週的症狀。

瑞士日內瓦的醫院統計 669位新冠肺炎的輕症病人,發現大約 1/3病人會有持續 6 週的症狀,

14% 疲倦,12% 喪失嗅覺,9%呼吸急促,6% 持續咳嗽,3%頭痛。



亞東紀念醫院核醫科 蕭聿謙醫師

亞東紀念醫院核醫科 蕭聿謙醫師

蕭聿謙  醫師
主治項目PET/CT 正子斷層掃描 心肌血流斷層掃描 骨骼掃描 核醫掃描 RIA 放射免疫分析抽血檢驗
現任亞東紀念醫院核醫科 主治醫師 元智大學 兼任助理教授 核子醫學雜誌編輯委員 美國AAAS科學協進會會員 美國臨床營養學會會員
蕭聿謙     醫師
學歷台大醫學院醫學系 台大電機研究所醫學工程博士 美國哈佛大學醫學院短期進修
經歷台大醫院影像醫學部、核醫部主治醫師 新光醫院核醫科主治醫師 耕莘醫院核醫科主任 (前)中華民國核醫學學會理事 美國內科學期刊審稿委員: American Journal of Internal Medicine 糖尿病醫學期刊審稿委員: Journal of Diabetes and its Complications 國際醫學會議審稿委員: The 5th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICBEB 2016) 癌症研究期刊審稿委員 美國內科學雜誌審稿委員 設立亞東紀念醫院核子醫學科、正子造影中心 通過新北市第一家核醫科專科醫師訓練醫院 核醫科通過ISO 9001:2000國際品質認證 醫學研究SCI國際期刊約60多篇 醫學研究國際醫學會議:美國、日本、新加坡、上海等地 醫學研究計劃主持人:國科會、亞東醫院、(前)台大醫院、(前)新光醫院 住院醫師教學「優良教師」96,104年 碩博士生論文口試委員


Far Eastern Memorial Hospital, Nuclear Medicine, Dr. Yu-Chien Shiau

Far Eastern Memorial Hospital, Nuclear Medicine, Dr. Yu-Chien Shiau

Shiau, Yu-Chien

Physician, Division of Nuclear Medicine
Assistant professor, Yuan Ze University
Editor, Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Sciences
Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science
Member, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Medical School
MD, National Taiwan University
PhD, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan University
Attending Physician, National Taiwan University Hospital
Attending Physician, Shin Kong Memorial Hospital
Director, Cardial Tien Hospital
Ex-Directorate, Society of Nuclear Medicine Taiwan
Editor, Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Sciences
Editor, Journal of Diabetes and its Complications
Editor, The 5th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology (ICBEB 2016)
Reviewer, Cancer Research Journal
Reviewer, American Journal of Internal Medicine
Special Expertise
PET/CT Cancer Study
Myocardial perfusion study
Molecular Imaging
Medical Image Processing
Radioimmunoassay (RIA)


Dr. Shaw YC Shiau PhD 蕭醫師 蕭博士 蕭同學 首頁 置頂文 標籤 分類搜尋

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