2015年4月11日 星期六

ISS太空站 2015/4/11 UTC10:00-21:00又有SSTV可收

ISS太空站 2015/4/11 UTC10:00-21:00又有SSTV可收

4/11 UTC10:00 - 21:00

台灣有二次機會, 看來條件不是很好

Satellite passes / Orbitron 3.71 / www.stoff.pl
Conditions    : Maximum sun elevation = None
                Minimum sat elevation = 5 deg
                Illumination NOT required

Time                Satellite              Azm  Elv  Mag Range S.Azm S.Elv
2015-04-11 16:12:30 ISS                   44.0 23.9  ecl   872   7.7 -56.4
2015-04-11 17:48:41 ISS                  235.0 15.2  ecl  1163  43.2 -46.7

*Russian SSTV Scheduled for Next Weekend*

*In celebration of Cosmonautics Day, Russian ARISS SSTV activity is planned
for the second week of April.*

*Cosmonautics Day celebrates Yuri Gagarin?s famous flight on April 12, 1961
becoming the first human to reach space. *

*The SSTV event is planned for Saturday, April 11, beginning at 10:00 UTC
and continuing until 21:00 UTC. All transmissions will use the high
resolution SSTV mode PD180. Transmissions will be at 145.800 MHz. If
similar to past events,* *12 different photos will be sent through the
weekend with 3 minute off periods between transmissions.*

*To receive the images in real time, all that?s required is a 2 meter radio
receiver and a computer to convert the receiver?s audio to image form. The
software to do this is available as freeware on the internet at sites such
as **http://hamsoft.ca/pages/mmsstv.php*
* .*

*Received images can be uploaded and viewed at the ARISS Image gallery
found at **http://www.spaceflightsoftware.com/ARISS_SSTV/index.php*
* .*

*Please note that due to unanticipated events on board the ISS, any
scheduled ham event may be cancelled or delayed. C**ontinue to check the
ARISS Facebook and Twitter accounts listed below for any updates.*

建議對照 ISS 位置,

祝 接收順利 ! 

73, BX2ADJ ( ex- BM2CAJ )


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