2017年7月24日 星期一

ISS 計劃於 2017/7/15發送 SSTV 傳真圖像

ISS 計劃於 2017/7/15發送 SSTV 傳真圖像

慶祝 20周年

這個活動延期至 7/21, 7/24 左右

我收到的 SSTV 「傳真圖像」如下:


友台 BM4AIK 接收了很多張超級漂亮的圖片:


<< 原文 通知 >>
ARISS SSTV Commemorative Activity

Special Slow Scan Television (SSTV) transmissions are expected to be
made from
the International Space Station on 145.800 MHz FM around the weekend of
July 15.

In commemoration of their 20th anniversary, the ARISS team is planning to
transmit a set of 12 SSTV images that capture the accomplishments of
ARISS over
that time.

The ARISS SSTV Blog says:

While still to be scheduled, we anticipate the SSTV operation to occur
the weekend of July 15.  We are planning for at least a 2 day operation,
but are
working for a potential longer operation. Note that all of this
tentative and
may change based on crew scheduling and ISS operations.

Starting with our first meeting in November 1996, our joint operations
on Mir,
becoming the first operational payload on ISS in November 2000 to our 1103rd
school contact (so far), ARISS’ accomplishments have been tremendous. We
touched the lives of many and inspired and educated countless students
to pursue
science, technology, engineering and math careers.

Please stay tuned as more details on our SSTV event will be communicated
in the
coming weeks.  Please spread the word.  And think about how you can get
in your area involved in capturing these images.  We would love to hear your
stories on how that goes.

[ANS thanks Frank, KA3HDO, for the above information]


2017年7月15日 星期六

ISS 太空站 計劃 2017-07-15 發送 SSTV

ISS 太空站 計劃 2017-07-15 發送 SSTV

慶祝 20周年


ARISS SSTV Commemorative Activity

Special Slow Scan Television (SSTV) transmissions are expected to be
made from
the International Space Station on 145.800 MHz FM around the weekend of
July 15.

In commemoration of their 20th anniversary, the ARISS team is planning to
transmit a set of 12 SSTV images that capture the accomplishments of
ARISS over
that time.

The ARISS SSTV Blog says:

While still to be scheduled, we anticipate the SSTV operation to occur
the weekend of July 15.  We are planning for at least a 2 day operation,
but are
working for a potential longer operation. Note that all of this
tentative and
may change based on crew scheduling and ISS operations.

Starting with our first meeting in November 1996, our joint operations
on Mir,
becoming the first operational payload on ISS in November 2000 to our 1103rd
school contact (so far), ARISS’ accomplishments have been tremendous. We
touched the lives of many and inspired and educated countless students
to pursue
science, technology, engineering and math careers.

Please stay tuned as more details on our SSTV event will be communicated
in the
coming weeks.  Please spread the word.  And think about how you can get
in your area involved in capturing these images.  We would love to hear your
stories on how that goes.

[ANS thanks Frank, KA3HDO, for the above information]


BM4AIK 的接收成果:


73 de BX2ADJ  ex-BM2CAJ

2017年5月28日 星期日

Spectrum around 20m 14MHz Band 20米頻譜測試

Spectrum around 20m 14MHz Band


因為朋友在問 HF 頻譜量測的問題,就用幾個儀器比較一下 20米的頻譜,

我想 SDR 與「頻譜分析儀」應該是不能比較的,因為二類儀器的 功 能 與設計理念本來就不同,



頻率範圍:14.000 - 14.300
信號源:20米 DP 天線


看到 JT-65, CW, 與一些跳頻

Funcube Dongle Pro+ (這個頻寬只有 14.000 - 14.150 )
這 CW, JT-65, 跳頻的,看的很清楚

這是頻譜極大值收了大約 3分鐘





2017-5-28 pm



2020-07-31 revised

2017年2月7日 星期二

AMSAT 發表 M2 衛星天線

AMSAT 發表 M2 衛星天線





AMSAT-NA and M2 Antenna Systems LEO-Pack Back in Stock in AMSAT StoreAMSAT-NA and M2 Antenna Systems are pleased to announce that the LEO-Packsystem is being offered to members only at $499, shipping included (US only).Non-members can join AMSAT-NA at time of purchase to participate in thisspecial purchase.The LEO-Pack will then be drop shipped to the purchaser from M2, who estimatesthat the production time after the order is received will be 2-3 weeks.The 436CP16 and 2MCP8A are light weight, circularly polarized antennasoptimized for Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Satellite communications or otherapplications where a small circular polarized antenna is required. Optimummatch and gain designed for the satellite band.Rear mounted for easy coaxial cable routing. A preamp (not included) can bemounted close to the antenna for almost no coax loss before the preamp,maximizing your receive performance.See all the details, including links to technical specifications at:

[ANS thanks the guys in the AMSAT On-Line Store for the above information]






2017年2月6日 星期一

AMSAT 發表 M2 衛星天線

AMSAT 發表 M2 衛星天線


AMSAT-NA and M2 Antenna Systems LEO-Pack Back in Stock in AMSAT StoreAMSAT-NA and M2 Antenna Systems are pleased to announce that the LEO-Packsystem is being offered to members only at $499, shipping included (US only).Non-members can join AMSAT-NA at time of purchase to participate in thisspecial purchase.The LEO-Pack will then be drop shipped to the purchaser from M2, who estimatesthat the production time after the order is received will be 2-3 weeks.The 436CP16 and 2MCP8A are light weight, circularly polarized antennasoptimized for Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Satellite communications or otherapplications where a small circular polarized antenna is required. Optimummatch and gain designed for the satellite band.Rear mounted for easy coaxial cable routing. A preamp (not included) can bemounted close to the antenna for almost no coax loss before the preamp,maximizing your receive performance.See all the details, including links to technical specifications at:http://store.amsat.org/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=1&products_id=123

[ANS thanks the guys in the AMSAT On-Line Store for the above information]



2017年2月3日 星期五

銥衛星閃光 (銥閃) Iridium Flare 再過幾年就沒了--要看要快

衛星閃光 (銥閃) Iridium Flare 再過幾年就沒了--要看要快


據報導,銥衛星已由 Space X 部署第二代衛星,第一代衛星會逐漸淘汰,再過幾年就沒得看銥閃了。




Get Your Iridium Fix Before It’s Too Late!

The shock and dazzle of Iridium flares will soon be a thing of the past.
Here's how to make the most of seeing them before a new generation of spacecraft
replaces the Iridium satellites.

Each of the approximately 66 Iridiums in orbit have three door-sized
aluminum antennae treated with highly reflective, silver-coated Teflon for
temperature control.

When the angle between observer and satellite is just right, sunlight
reflecting off an antenna can cause the satellite to surge from invisibility up to
magnitude –8.5 in a matter of seconds. If you've never seen one, the searing
brilliance may make you recoil instinctively. On rare occasions, flares can
reach magnitude –9.5. That's 100 times brighter than Venus!

Sadly, that era will soon draw to a close. On January 14th, SpaceX’s
Falcon 9
delivered the first 10 of a new generation of Iridium NEXT satellites to
Earth orbit, starting the process to replace the older units in a maneuver
called slot-swapping. While the new birds will provide faster data rates and
enhanced global communications, their antenna design is completely
different and not expected to produce significant flares.

Heavens Above is one of the easiest sites to get you looking in the
right place at the right time. The Heavens Above website allows for easy figuring and
finding of Iridium flares.

Just sign in and give it your location, then click the Iridium Flares
link under the Satellites heading on the left side of the homepage. A table will
pop open with a week's worth of passes that includes pertinent information like
brightness, altitude, and magnitude of the flare at flare center, the
brightest possible magnitude for a particular pass. Clicking on the date will
produce a map showing the flare's path and ground track where the flare will appear
brightest. When that path passes near or over your location, you'll see a –8
dazzler. If not, you can use the map to drive to the sweet spot and
await the display.

The transition to the Iridium NEXT generation will be gradual but
certain, so make the most of the opportunities that remain. If you're a teacher, do your
homework and plan an outing to show a daytime flare to your science class.
Anything that gets people talking more about the sky is a good thing, and I
guarantee those kids will never forget the sight.

[ANS thanks Bob King, and Sky and Telescope for the above information]


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